I learned a lot of important information when reading the articles on effective instruction. The QAIT model of quality, appropriateness, incentives, and time really play an important part of your classroom instruction. When you reflect back to your teaching, are you able to provide the quality instruction that your students need to understand a new topic? When dealing with the appropriateness of the lesson, are you teaching topics that students have a background to already or are you teaching something totally new and not providing them with the basic concepts before going on? Students like to learn for incentives. What are they going to get from learning? Will they receive a grade, praise, or other incentives in order for them to keep on learning? You have to provide a type of reward to get students to learn what they are working for. Time is always a big thing. Sometimes we have too much left over; other times we do not have enough. If a concept is difficult, we need to provide more time for practice before we let them work by themselves. Even by themselves, they may need more time.
I feel that the second article relates to the first article by building on the QAIT ideas. Two principles that you need to follow are reflexive learning and supporting students. With reflexive learning, you have to reflect on you instruction to determine if you are providing the appropriate amount of time in order to learn a topic, provide a suitable pace, and meet the needs of each students' learning styles. You also need to support your students in order for them to know that you want them to succeed on their tasks.
Reflection on troubleshooting: Effective instruction is very important these days to make sure students are learning the material that they are learning. As I read through the Effective Instuction Troubleshooting, I thought to myself that I do so many of these concepts already but there are more that I should continue to work on. I am a fairly new teacher anything will help build my instruction. As a TIS, having the effective instruction qualities would help me in ways of teaching others to use technology in a way that will enhance their classroom experience not only for themselves but for the students that are teaching as well. Helping teachers be effective in the classroom in terms of technology helps motivate students to being the best they can be. Students love using technology these days and if a teacher is compatible with the technology they have in the classroom, they will tend to be more involved with what is being taught. As a TIS, teachers will need the guidance from me in order to create lessons and activities that focus on student achievement. Teaching effective instruction strategies will help build their self esteem and make them more effective in the classroom.
I totally agree about what a TIS needs to do! I do think that we will have to help in other areas as a TIS, not just technology, although that will be our main focus. We have a learning coach in our building who is basically our TIS. She wears many hats, but she is the technology guru as well as the instructional coach for new teachers. It's a very neat role! I would like to do something like that if I ever left the classroom.