Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 7 Microblogging

1.  I don't know if I would use a Twitter account for the purposes that it serves.  I have friends who have Twitter accounts, but I don't follow them.  I am rarely on Facebook (which I used to use for everything) and rarely update my status there so I don't think Twitter would benefit me or others.
2.  When I have looked for people online, I have had an easy time looking for the people that I search for.  I can follow the tweets that they have as well as the messages that they put across. 
3.  When Big Brother was on, I would follow the spoilers on Twitter to get the latest up to date in the house especially when it was time for competitions and such.  A couple of coteachers of mine have twitter accounts.  I have seen them, but I do not follow them.  A lot of what they post on Twitter they post the same thing on their facebook pages as well.
4.  To me, microblogging takes a lot of time and you have be able to keep up with it.  A good benefit of blogging for the classroom may be to create a classroom blog so parents can follow what is happening in the classroom and any homework assignments the students have for the evening.

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