Thursday, December 1, 2011

In 2011, almost 2012, why is technology still a class kids go to to learn to use a tool and not an integrated part of the lessons we teach?

In 2011, almost 2012, why is technology still a class kids go to to learn to use a tool and not an integrated part of the lessons we teach?
I feel that this statement is geared towards some teachers adn not so much towards others.  For many new teachers coming out of college, they are exposed to the technology in college that is now being integrated into our schools.  I, as an elementary teacher, love using technology in the classroom.  When my students use technology, I am always there to show, demonstrate, and share my knowledge with them so they will be comfortable in using the technology that they are using.  I wouldn't want them to use technology if I wasn't going to use it for my teaching.  Everyday, I use my technology, some more than what they use in the computer lab.  I want to promote a technology rich classroom as much as I can and where it fits in with the curriculum.
For some teachers, they do not use the technology in ways to enhance the education of our students.  Others use technology on a little to no basis.  I don't know why only helps enhance and engage the students.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Effective Instruction

I learned a lot of important information when reading the articles on effective instruction.  The QAIT model of quality, appropriateness, incentives, and time really play an important part of your classroom instruction.  When you reflect back to your teaching, are you able to provide the quality instruction that your students need to understand a new topic?  When dealing with the appropriateness of the lesson, are you teaching topics that students have a background to already or are you teaching something totally new and not providing them with the basic concepts before going on?  Students like to learn for incentives.  What are they going to get from learning?  Will they receive a grade, praise, or other incentives in order for them to keep on learning?  You have to provide a type of reward to get students to learn what they are working for.  Time is always a big thing.  Sometimes we have too much left over; other times we do not have enough.  If a concept is difficult, we need to provide more time for practice before we let them work by themselves.  Even by themselves, they may need more time.
I feel that the second article relates to the first article by building on the QAIT ideas.  Two principles that you need to follow are reflexive learning and supporting students.  With reflexive learning, you have to reflect on you instruction to determine if you are providing the appropriate amount of time in order to learn a topic, provide a suitable pace, and meet the needs of each students' learning styles.  You also need to support your students in order for them to know that you want them to succeed on their tasks.

Reflection on troubleshooting:  Effective instruction is very important these days to make sure students are learning the material that they are learning.  As I read through the Effective Instuction Troubleshooting, I thought to myself that I do so many of these concepts already but there are more that I should continue to work on.  I am a fairly new teacher anything will help build my instruction.  As a TIS, having the effective instruction qualities would help me in ways of teaching others to use technology in a way that will enhance their classroom experience not only for themselves but for the students that are teaching as well.  Helping teachers be effective in the classroom in terms of technology helps motivate students to being the best they can be.  Students love using technology these days and if a teacher is compatible with the technology they have in the classroom, they will tend to be more involved with what is being taught.  As a TIS, teachers will need the guidance from me in order to create lessons and activities that focus on student achievement.  Teaching effective instruction strategies will help build their self esteem and make them more effective in the classroom.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

This week we began studying presentation design, I had no idea...

...that there were so many different things that you could download from the internet.  I always just thought you had to get extra things like font or colors through the powerpoint programs.

I make a lot of presentations for my building and use powerpoint a lot.  I don't think that many of my presentations are bad; they are for the subject of what I am talking about.  Now, I have some extra ideas to how to make my presentations better than before.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 10 - Video part 1

This makes me laugh every time!

Week 9 - Instant Messaging

In high school and college, my instant messager was always on.  I had Windows Messenger as well as AOL instant messenger.  While I was at Pitt for my undergrad, it was nice to be able to communicate with my friends back home or at KU and KSU (most of my friends went to those three places).  I think that instant messaging is great for a "hi, how are ya" type of thing.  I liked it when I used it.  I haven't used IM in such a long time.
I don't really have any concerns about using IM except when I left it on when I went away from the computer and either I had a lot of message from people or my older brother got on my computer and started typing random things to my friends.  We do not have IM at work...I think some of us would be typing on that a lot instead of doing our other work.

Week 8 - Cloud Computing

I've used Google Docs before but didn't really find it handy in my current school situation.  Instead, our district has equiped staff members with something like Google Docs but instead using a certain drive on our server.  We are able to upload itmes to this drive so anyone in the building is able to see it.  People are able to open up the document, make changes, and save it again for someone else to view.  It helps with having to reinvent the wheel when it comes to certain things that many staff members use.

Week 7 Microblogging

1.  I don't know if I would use a Twitter account for the purposes that it serves.  I have friends who have Twitter accounts, but I don't follow them.  I am rarely on Facebook (which I used to use for everything) and rarely update my status there so I don't think Twitter would benefit me or others.
2.  When I have looked for people online, I have had an easy time looking for the people that I search for.  I can follow the tweets that they have as well as the messages that they put across. 
3.  When Big Brother was on, I would follow the spoilers on Twitter to get the latest up to date in the house especially when it was time for competitions and such.  A couple of coteachers of mine have twitter accounts.  I have seen them, but I do not follow them.  A lot of what they post on Twitter they post the same thing on their facebook pages as well.
4.  To me, microblogging takes a lot of time and you have be able to keep up with it.  A good benefit of blogging for the classroom may be to create a classroom blog so parents can follow what is happening in the classroom and any homework assignments the students have for the evening.

Videos in the Classroom

According to Prensky, I am a digital native.  I would consider myself that because I have been around technology for as along as I can remember.  I still remember the first computer that my parents had.  It had 12 programs on it and my favorite game was Impossible Mission II.

In my classroom, I am equipped with the latest SMARTboard technology.  I have an Airliner tablet that allows me to move anywhere in my classroom and what ever I write on my tablet is projected agaist the screen.  There have even been times when I have had to cover my class and the one next door in the hallway and can still write on my tablet for my kids to follow along with me.  My math curriculum has powerpoints that allow me to teach with the interative tablet as well.  I use a voice amplifier in my classroom so I do not have to talk loudly and the students can hear me anywhere.

I'm pretty familiar wtih most terms of the "language" of technology.  In order to completely learn all of the terms, I have to learn it by using it.  Just reading it on the page is not going to help me remember.  I have to actually do something with the language term in order to fully understand it.

One of the things my district does to keep students safe from YouTube while as school is blocking them from entering the site.  Teachers have permission to use the site, but it is with strict caution that you do not look up inappropriate materials.  Another way to encourage YouTube for education but definitely a safe way would be to use the K-12 groups page that is mentioned in the article.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Social Bookmarking -

I did an assignment for in one of my previous classes.  I LOVED this site and passed it on to teachers in my building.  There are so many different tools and sites that you can use for the classroom that only enhances the education of your students.  Having this resource is fantastic for the classroom.  I can't believe the resources that are available for you to use in the classroom.

RSS Feeds

I signed up for a Google Reader account to help follow the members of my blog for the class, Design and Production of Instructional Materials.  Having this reader helps keep the blugs up to date so I can easily check when they have posted new items on them.  It is difficult for me to remember to check on a daily basis as my life is extremely hectic right now so having this will definitely help!  I follow:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 4: Photo

The picture that I found is of a cruise ship.  My wife and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon and absolutely loved it.  We went to Jamaica, Cozumel, and Grand Caymen.  We also went on another cruise a few years later to the Bahamas with our friends.  We are already planning our next one to Alaska in a few years!

Flikr was pretty easy to use, after I logged into the account.  I was able to find a cruise ship very easily!  I think it would be easy to use to share pictures with family members.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

10 Things that make me go Hmmm...about technology in education

1.  Computers always seem to know when you are in a hurry...they tend to go much slower at those times or just don't work.
2.  When you try to use wireless tablets to answer questions on the board...why does it seem not to connect at the weirdest times?  There have been times where in the middle of teaching, my tablet stops working and needs to be reset.
3.  The ever changing software.  You just learn a new program like Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010 comes out with even more new features to try to understand.
4.  The items that make things supposed to help a teacher out seem to take the most amount of time.  We have a clicker answering system that it takes forever to make but automatically grades responses.
5.  Wireless networks.  Sometimes they have really fast speeds, the next day in the same location, the speeds are much slower.
6.  Why one remote can change any projector!  We had a staff meeting to talk about our new projectors and were told to bring our remotes.  Need less to say, we were all adjusting the settings on a teachers' projector at the same time because everyones remotes can control any projector!
7.  Classrooms should be equiped with longer cords for our computers.  Arranging your computer and desk area can be difficult in a building that was built long ago and wired recently.
8.  I hate seeing and reading the words:  trouble communicating with printer.  How can you have trouble communicating with the printer when everything IS plugged in and connected through a USB?  Even after installing it AGAIN!  I got a new printer after that!
9.  Why do they make laptop batteries only last a few hours?  People buy laptops for a reason...shouldn't the battery be able to last the whole day?  I'm sure it is coming...let's hope!
10.  Until this class I never used skype.  Why didn't we think of this a long time ago?  I'm sure it's been out there but the Jetsons had video telephone long before we did.  How come the TV show did not spark the interest back then?!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 3: webinar

I listened to the webinar about gaming and libraries hosted by Tom Peters.  He discussed games and a library that will promote a system of games throughout the library system.  The people who presented information at this webinar to promote gaming tournaments or programs.

I think webinars would be appropriate for items that we use during the school setting.  In terms of technology integration specialists, it would be a great thing to do if you had to troubleshoot a computer problem and walk you through the steps.  Another idea would be if you had an emergency and had to be out of town but there was a very important lesson you had to teach to your students and you could practically teach the lesson through the use of the audio stream where students can continue to listen to it after they have left the classroom.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 3 Instructional Design

"Education has missed the boat, with respect to instructional design. Teachers come up with lesson plans on the fly, with little thought to why they are presenting information or even who their audience is. Teacher traning, at the university level and during Professional development, needs to focus on helping teachers become comfortable with instructional design principles."

I happen to agree with this statement.  When I first began my teaching career, I was completely lost at lesson planning and had no idea where I go next.  Student teaching did of course clear up some of this for me, but student teaching in the spring did not allow me to see the beginning of the year and how what was taught at the beginning impacted what happened in the end.  Now as I am in my sixth year teaching, I have instructional design now.  I know what my students need to know.  I know the importance of what I am teaching and how it will impact them in the future.  I tell my students..."when you get to middle school, this is why you need to know this."  I build on what they have learned in the past and show them how it can impact the later on in their educational career.

In our first years of teaching, we do just build plans on the fly because we are new to the profession and haven't seen how they impact to other grades.  As we become familiar with our curriculum and the curriculum of other grades, we can start to see the impact we get from younger grades and how we assist the grades our students are heading to.

Don't get me wrong...I loved my time for my undergraduate work, but I was not as prepared as I would have like to be.  I was taught different techniques for teaching, but seeing the importance of instructional design and how every grade impacts each other and builds on each other would definitely help!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What is Educational Technology?

I believe that educational technology is focused around many different aspects that involve education.  It involves the people who work in your district (teachers, district office, classified staff) that work together to provide a technology rich education for students.  From the computer programs our students use to the test results that staff members study, educational technology covers a broad perspective into the lives of our students.  Technology seems to be changing at such a rapid pace, it will be our duties to make sure that are are up to date on the latest features that will give our students an advantage when they are ready to enter the real world with jobs that have not been created yet.  I find it amazing to see how technology has changed over the past decades and cannot wait to see what is in store for us in the future.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Week 2: Facebook

The online community that I have chosen is Facebook.  What I like most about Facebook is the ability to communicate with former friends and family that I do not get to see very often.  I post pictures of my family and view pictures of our friends and their new families as they continue to grow.  I am also addicted to the Bejeweled Blitz application that is on Facebook, but lately it has been going slow and it hasn't been easy to play.  That makes me upset!
I am able to see our county library on Facebook which gives people heads up to new books and different activities the library has.  My school library does not have a Facebook page.
I would provide a link to my Facebook profile but I have strong personal reasons against this.  I would be more than happy to send you a personal message in ANGEL for my link if you would like, but my students could easily google my name and find this link and view my profile even with my settings up high.  Just a view that I have.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week One: Blogging


My name is Jonathon Dirks and I currently teach sixth grade in the Shawnee Mission District. I have a Bachelors in Elementary Education, Masters in Educational Leadership, and soon to have a Masters in Educational Technology with an emphasis in technology integration. All three degrees are from Pitt State. Once a Gorilla...Always a Gorilla!

I'm fairly new to the world of blogging. I really do not keep up with other blogs. I do not know of many people in my area that actually use blogs on a regular basis. I might need some time to get things together with the 23 things and figuring out how to make the blog look better!

This is my final semester; I'm ready to get it started!
